We do our best to make your stay here as convenient and comfortable as possible. That‘s why we offer our guests several services free of charge, such as the wireless internet connection.
Our housekeeping appreciates your stay with uncompromising cleanness. You will notice this throughout our hotel.
Our friendly breakfast-service-staff would like to pamper you with a variety of delicious specialities.
Our front desk staff will not let you leave the hotel before you know how to get to the place you want to go.
We are also glad to book your dinner, recommend a restaurant, call a taxi, book your flight and print your boarding pass. You can also find a fridge with various drinks at the reception.
Depending on the quantity, we offer you a free laundry service. We can wash, fold and iron it and bring it to your room.
Do you need a wakeup call? A train connection, a timetable and a ticket? You have no time for breakfast? It‘s our pleasure to help you as much as we can, just let us know and we will be glad to take care of you.